FALL 2016
September 20 - December 10
Tuesdays 9:30am - 4pm
Ages 9 - 15
Thursdays 4pm - 7pm
Ages 13 - 18
Select Fridays & Weekends
Mixed Ages
Tuesdays 9:30am - 4:00pm
Ages 9 - 15
$725. Sliding-scale program fees available for families who qualify.
We’re hitting the road to explore and engage with the world beyond our nest. Each week, the mobile classroom will travel to a different location. On any given week, you might find us sketching at an art museum, hiking in the mountains, sailing on the Hudson River, visiting other young people in a nearby city, or serving food we’ve prepared for our community. Using photography, audio and sketchbooks, we’ll document our journeys along the way. Read the full description here.
in partnership with SBK Social Justice Center
Thursdays 4PM - 7PM. Ages 13 - 18.
Free for Hudson teenagers. Donations welcome.
Space 101 is a space for teenagers in Hudson to have as their own. A core group of teens come together every week to produce media and music, cook food, and maintain a youth-led community space. Space 101 is a place where teenagers can have open dialogue about issues around the world, in Hudson, and in their lives. It’s a place where teenagers can develop the skills to organize for social change, and where they’re encouraged and provided with the tools to follow their own interests. Read the full description here.
Select Friday afternoons & weekends, at various locations.
Students may register for each workshop separately or all as a series.
Registration for the entire workshop series is $325. Register at hello@kitesnest.org
Friday, September 30: 3pm - 6pm
at the River City Garden
Ages 7 - 15
$35, with sliding-scale and scholarships available. Registration deadline: Friday, September 23
It’s time to enjoy the abundance of this long and hot summer! Join chef Nicole and gardener Kaya from our own Alimentary Kitchen and the River City Garden for an all-ages afternoon of preparing and preserving, chopping and churning, squishing and seed-saving. Together we’ll learn how to make summer last all winter! Parents and kids are welcome to join us for this outdoor workshop and everyone will get to go home with a jar or two of something delicious. A workshop with Nicole LoBue and Kaya Weidman.
Friday, October 7: 3pm - 6pm
at the Hudson Area Library
in partnership with WGXC: Hands-on Radio (90.7-FM)
Ages 9 - 15
Suggested donation: $10-$40, proceeds shared with the Library and WGXC. Registration deadline: September 23
We don’t usually hear the voices and perspectives of youth in the news, but young people have a lot to say. Radio can be a powerful tool for amplifying youth voices - to tell our stories, play our music, ask real questions, and connect with our neighbors. If you’ve ever wanted to be a reporter or a DJ, or you’re just curious about making radio, this is your chance to be the media. We’ll learn hands-on radio and broadcasting skills -- we’ll learn to use digital audio recorders, come up with story ideas, conduct interviews, and broadcast our voices on WGXC: 90.7-FM. A workshop with Sara Kendall.
A 4-part workshop series:
Friday, October 28: 3pm - 6pm
Saturday, October 29: 1pm - 5pm
Friday, November 4: 3pm - 6pm
Saturday, November 5: 1pm - 5pm
at the River City Garden and Kite's Nest. Ages 9 - 16.
$165, with sliding-scale and scholarships available. Registration deadline: Friday, October 14.
Join us in making our old brick building next to River City Garden beautiful, colorful, and yours! In this four-day workshop, we’ll bring youth, artists, and community members together to design and create a large scale mural installation. Guest artists Sam Spetner and Charlyn Griffith will guide us through a process of collaborative design, so together we can come up with a theme and plan for our large installation. We’ll learn painting techniques to paint our mural on a series of large panels, to be placed in the windows of the building. Finally we'll unveil our mural to the community, to be seen and enjoyed by everyone who passes by. Come bring your voice and vision to this collaborative neighborhood art project! A workshop with Sam Spetner and Charlyn Griffith
A 2-part workshop:
Friday, November 11th: 3pm - 6pm at River City Garden
Saturday, November 12: 1pm - 5pm at Kite's Nest
Ages 9 - 15.
$80, with sliding-scale and scholarships available. Registration deadline: Friday, October 14.
How can young people be a part of designing our city? Architecture Studio is a hands-on design/build workshop that invites youth to begin developing dreams and designs for Hudson’s future. With the brick building at the River City Garden as our inspiration, we’ll work with guest architects to develop basic design-thinking skills. We’ll begin by visiting the building, and together brainstorming and envisioning uses for it -- thinking about its history, its location, and digging into our own imaginations to picture possibilities for its future. We’ll work with guest architects to learn to read architectural site plans, and we’ll learn to draw our own. Then we’ll work with a range of materials to build our own models, experimenting with our ideas and sharing them with each other. This 2-day workshop is an introduction to fundamentals in architecture and design, and an opportunity for young people to develop their visions and voices for community change. A workshop with Sara Kendall and guest architects Joan Krevlin and Hallie Chen.
Friday, December 2: 3pm - 6pm
at Kite's Nest
Ages 9 - 15
$35, with sliding-scale and scholarships available. Registration deadline: Friday, November 18.
Who takes care of us when we’re sick? What can we fix on our own? Potion Lab is a hands-on introduction to wellness, self-care, medicine-making and herbalism. As we prepare for the winter months, let’s think about how we can take care of ourselves! This workshop will introduce us to some of the medicinal plants, herbs and roots that grow around us. Together we’ll transform these into powerful medicine, making our own lotions, sprays, tinctures, and salves to take home. A workshop with Nicole LoBue.
We also welcome back HATCH, (Hudson Area Teaching Cooperative for Homeschoolers), a drop-off homeschool group for teenagers hosted in the Kite's Nest space on Thursdays from 10am - 3pm. All enrollment and inquiries for the HATCH programs can go through their facebook page: www.facebook.com/HATCHHudson or by emailing Larissa Phillips at larissa.phillips@gmail.com. Learn more about their fall schedule here.
Our workshops fill up very quickly, so please get in touch right away to enroll.
If your child has already participated in a Kite's Nest program, please email hello@kitesnest.org or call 518-945-8445 to enroll.
If your child is new to Kite's Nest:
- Fill out this form, email hello@kitesnest.org, or call 518-945-8445
- We'll contact you shortly with registration forms, and answer any questions you may have.
Sliding-scale program fees are available for families who qualify. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.