Reading for liberatory education. Join us!

Session 1: Healing-Centered Engagement

The Future of Healing: Shifting From Trauma Informed Care to Healing Centered Engagement by Shawn Ginwright
We work a lot with Shawn Ginwright’s concept of healing-centered engagement. Ginwright has written books about it — but in this article he describes why healing-centered engagement is: explicitly political and rooted in action; grounded in culture and the restoration of identity; and focused on the strengths and wellbeing of youth. The text is foundational to our work at Kite’s Nest!

Session 2: Pedagogies of Love & Liberation

Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed with Hilda Franco (Episode 34 of The Lit Review Podcast)

On our reading list:

What we’re looking for:

  • Great sources about Youth Participatory Action Research [YPAR]

  • Great sources about Youth Employment, including questions around how we create cultures of accountability; supporting professionalism without assimilation; and creating healing-centered work environments.

  • Great sources about teaching to support adolescent identity development

  • Have a recommendation? Email