
SJLA Community Dinner
August 11, 2016
at the Basilica

How do we truly feed a movement? Food brings people together. Spreading the word. Digesting together.
And lastly, nourising the movement. Tonight, we’re bringing you a mix of food from different cultures. 



Melon Agua Fresca



Empanada & Beef Patties

Grilled Watermelon with Fresh Cheese

Bannann peze, Pikliz, & Marinad

Stephanie’s Sweet and Salty Plantains 



Josephina’s Tamales

Salsa Verde, Salsa Fresca Chicken or Pork 

Jamaican-style Coconut Chicken Curry

with Roti and Rice

Lule’s Family Collards

Tomato and Corn salad with Basil and Anise



Churros & Banana Fritters

Jasmin’s Family Pie

More Melons!


Menu designed and prepared by SJLA teens with Nicole LoBue. 
Big thanks to Josefina, Steven, Stephanie, Lule’s Mom, Jasmine,
Jahmir, Tee-Quan, Marc, Courtney, Monique, Marissa.