How do we truly feed a moment? Bringing people together. Spreading the word. Sustaining each other. Nourishing the movement.
Thursdays 4pm - 7pm, as well as special events and workshops
Ages 13 and up
During this summer’s Social Justice Leadership Academy (SJLA), we learned about how food has been used throughout history as a tool for organizing and social change. During our final week together, we prepared a meal in dedication and in honor of five individuals who lost their lives: Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray and Mike Brown. The students of SJLA fed their community of 125 people, presenting a meal with messages of love, remembrance, and dedication.
How do we create situations for people to eat to remember? How can we eat to learn? How can we cook to connect, to inspire, to mobilize? This fall, we will work in collaboration with the teenagers of Space 101 to continue to ask these questions, meeting weekly to prepare meals, organize events, and create opportunities for people to come together around the table.
This is an opportunity for students to dive deeper into kitchen training, gaining advanced cooking and kitchen skills under the guidance of Nicole LoBue. Students will learn technical aspects of cooking and culinary arts (including knife skills, nutrition and food science education, recipe-reading, etc.) and event execution, working alongside professional chefs in a commercial kitchen and in the context of real-world exchange.
Building on our ongoing work with teenagers to become local leaders and changemakers, and drawing on the culinary passions and experiences of our students, this workshop is about coming together as chefs and apprentices, while working to sustain each other and nourish the movement for food sovereignty and racial justice.
A workshop with Nicole LoBue and Jalal Sabur. This workshop is a club, and is connected to the after school Space 101. If you are interested in participating, get in touch: email us at