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Radio produced by the youth journalists & media-makers of Kite's Nest

Radio produced by young Hudson leaders (ages 12-18) that came together for five weeks as part of the "Social Justice Leadership Academy". This hour-long radio piece is a collaborative youth production that reflects a  summer-long exploration and investigation of of social justice issues (including food access, the school-to-prison pipeline, and inequality), and young people's dreams for the future.

Who are we?
by everybody
School to Prison Pipeline
by Claire, with TeeQuan and Cinnamon
Inequality in Hudson
by Isabella, with Jasmine and Nathalie
Food Desert
by Shah, Michael, Juan, and Jalal
Youth Voice
by Betye, Hunter and Aiden
What is Freedom?
by Shah, TeeQuan and Tre
What did we learn?
by everybody

A radio vox pop exploring questions of urban planning and utopia in Hudson, produced by the children of "Secret City," a ten-week cardboard city workshop that took place in Fall 2014:

What are the city-dreams of Hudson residents?

A radio vox pop produced by the children of "Special Projects: Media," a ten-week after school club that took place in Spring 2013:

Curious Daydreams

Journalism pieces produced by the children of "PB&J: Print, Broadcast & Journalism," a 10-week journalism workshop (ages 8-13) that took place in Winter 2014:

by Edmund
Why do goats eat everything?
by Cailen
How has slang changed over the years?
by Cassius
How do videogames affect society?
by Iphigene
Why are cats so popular?
by May
Why do humans separate into groups?
by Harlee (Hannah)
What's the difference between art and fashion?
by Cymon
Is survivalism really necessary in the modern day and age?
by Sylvain
What is survival? Are we prepared for anything?
by Hunter
Is artificial intelligence moving too fast?
by Jack
Why is minecraft so popular?